Here is a listing of commonly visited pages of the PMCPOA website, with links to take you directly to the pages:

Public Pages

About Us/Living in PMC page, including bear updates and weather-related articles and information.
Committee information, including meeting dates and minutes
Condor Newsletter
Employment Opportunities
Events Calendar
Condor Cafe, Restaurant & Lounge (Hours, menus, etc.)
Alerts and public notices
Member notices
Snow Plowing information, including a plowing status map.

Member-Only Pages (must be logged in to view)

Board meeting minutes and videos
Board Resolutions
Board Meeting Agendas
PMCPOA Governing Documents (Bylaws, Rules, CCR's, fee schedules, etc.)
Clubhouse Revitalization Project (On the Governing Documents page)
PMCPOA Financials
Election Documents and Information
Proposed Rule Changes