Transfer Site

Transfer Site on Summer Hours
8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Daily
8:30 a.m. - 7:00 p.m. Thursdays

The Transfer site is located at 16142 Aleutian Drive, by the equestrian stables. The site is open every day with the exception of several major holidays. The PMCPOA Transfer Site is a convenience offered to members and guests in lieu of driving to the dump in Lebec. It is free for members to use for trash and recyclables. There is also a green waste area for yard cuttings (but no noxious weeds!). There are, however, no facilities for construction debris. This waste must be transported to the Lebec site.


A reminder that the Transfer Site accepts recyclables such as cardboard, cans and bottles seven days a week. Let's help keep our community clean and tidy by utilizing this service.

Transfer Site Reminders

   Our Transfer Site is strictly for PMC residents/guests and tenants. Please bring your member/guest card, as it will be verified before you can dump your trash. Only four vehicles at a time are allowed inside the Transfer Site. All other cars will wait outside the gate. When one car leaves, another car may come in.
   Please secure your trash before heading to the Transfer Site. There has been an increase in trash along the side of our roads from trash flying out the back of vehicles going to the Transfer Site. Let’s keep our roads clean.
   The PMCPOA Transfer Site closes at 5 p.m. every night (except Thursdays during the summer). Please don’t wait until the last minute; please come earlier to avoid being turned away at closing time.
   We are receiving calls from Frazier Park, Lebec and Lake of the Woods wanting to use the PMC transfer site. This will not be allowed. If you do not have your member/guest card you will be turned away. Please do not argue with the staff. This rule is for everyone’s safety as well as staff. We all need to practice patience and kindness.
PMCPOA Management


The PMCPOA Transfer Site is the place where members and their guests take garbage and recyclables. It is open seven days a week.
Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. daily
During the warmer months, typically April through October, the site is open until 7 p.m. on Thursdays.
Please note that the Transfer Site is closed on Thanksgiving and Christmas days.

Members: Please Help!

We cannot accept hot ashes at Transfer Site. Please water your ashes down before you place them in the large gray ash container.
We have received concerns from landfill staff that we are delivering hot ashes to the landfill. They cannot accept hot ashes due to resulting hazards. Hot ashes also cause problems for Mountain Disposal related to hauling. The landfill could begin refusing to receive ashes from PMCPOA. Once again, we ask for your help.
There is a new policy in place that the ash bin will be locked at all times. When you arrive at the Transfer Site with ashes, you will need to ask to have the bin be unlocked. If your ashes are hot, staff will ask you to water them down in your container prior to disposal.
Thank you!


Please DO NOT put your pine needles mixed in with the green waste. Pine needles should be placed in the pine needle pile only. Why? Because as we rake up our pine needles, we are also raking up rocks and dirt that should not go through the wood chipper. We haul the pine needles to Lebec for disposal. Pine needles have sap on them and dirt and other items stick to the needles. Please be diligent when throwing away pine needles and put them in the correct pile.
There is a notice to take household trash to the Transfer Site. It does not belong at the Green Waste Site. Household trash left at the Green Waste Site contains cans, metal, glass, rocks and other hard substances and gets covered over with green waste and then is picked up by a loader and put into the chipper. The chipper has been broken because of these items mentioned above, and cost the association more than $14,000 to fix. Please be responsible and take household trash to the Transfer Site.
A camera has been installed at the Green Waste Site to help monitor the site more closely and hopefully keep repair bills down on the wood chipper.
Please click here to view the Transfer Site rules.

Transfer Site

Transfer Site

Transfer Site


Transfer Site