Tennis/Pickleball Courts

Tennis, if played properly, can be a great opportunity for members to relieve stress, socialize with others and provide much-needed exercise. Of primary importance is taking every precaution to help keep all participants safe. 

Tennis Court Information:
PMC Patrol will open the gate to the tennis courts each morning so that the courts are available for play.

Tennis Club

The Pine Mountain Tennis Club was founded more than 25 years ago by a group of tennis lovers. The club has recently become active again. If you love to play tennis and are interested in joining this club, please contact the Business Office.


The tennis courts are open for pickleball during the following hours:
Mondays- 10:00am-12:00pm
Wednesdays- 6:00pm-8:00pm
Saturdays- 10:00am-12:00pm
Times are subject to change.

For information about the Pickleball group,
please contact Thomas Smith at
[email protected] or 661-425-4866.
If you're interested in Pickleball Lessons Click Here

Tennis Courts

Pine Mountain Club Tennis Court Rules

  • Courts are reserved for PMC members and their guests. Guest cards must be obtained in advance.

  • Please turn the light off before leaving the court.

  • PMC members are responsible for their guests. There is a court reservation sign-up sheet when needed.

  • Children under the age of 7 must be accompanied by an adult. Children 8 through 11 must be accompanied by someone 15 or older.

Tennis Etiquette

  • Tennis shoes with non-scuffing soles must be worn.

  • Everyone must wear shirts.

  • The only beverage allowed on the court is water in non-breakable containers. Food is not allowed on the courts.

  • If others are waiting, please remember that there is a time limit to play (typically 1 hour).

  • Excess noise, radios, yelling or profane language are not allowed.

  • Roller blades, roller skates, skate boards and bicycles are not allowed.

  • All debris is to be removed when play is finished.

  • Court gates are to be kept closed at all times.

  • Throwing of any foreign materials on the court is prohibited.

Tennis Courts